Thursday, May 4, 2017

Updated Citrus Machine

In 1932 Edwin Waldo Ward purchased a "Citrus Chipper" from England hoping this would help with the task of slicing his fresh citrus fruit to make the perfect marmalade. Well, every year we have been using the same machine. It has been an excellent machine and well maintained. The motor has never been replaced; only the fruit intake belts needed replacing. We have contacted the same manufacturer in England for a replacement machine. Not that we are not able to use our old machine, but only to get a nice, updated version in our kitchen. Yes, the English company is still in business and thriving. The name of the company is BCH and you can visit their website:

Because we keep many historic documents as well, we still have the original invoice from 1932 along with the manual and the spare parts that we purchased throughout the years.